Dear Diary,

Sunset and Tech tied for first place in the city spelling contest today. All four of us (two members to each team) had perfect papers. Adamson and North Dallas tied for second, and Woodrow Wilson was last. Forest’s contestants didn’t show up.

On Milton Berle’s program tonight Berle was supposed to write some gags for Ilka Chase, so he had his writers released from the dungeon and brought into the studio. He said, “Ilka, see that little fellow on the end. He used to be with Bob Hope but he left and came to me.” Ilka asked him why he left Bob, and Berle said, “I have lighter chains.” Now I see why he’s always using so many of Bob’s jokes–he gets Bob’s used-up gag-writers.

Dear Diary,

I went to the Sunset – North Dallas football game this afternoon in the rain, but it was worth it. We won twenty-one to nothing. Tonight I went to the Mexico City – Crozier Tech game in a downpour, and it wasn’t worth it. It wasn’t much of a game in the first place, and secondly, the wrong side won (Tech – seven to six).

I tried to see if I could find Bob Hope’s show being rebroadcast by short-wave this morning, but I couldn’t find it. I guess it’s not being done the same time now that it was last season, if it’s done at all.