Thursday, March 25, 1943


Dear Diary,

Well, Mr. Moore did it tonight. He has been better, but he did it. He started the show by drooling (and I mean drooling) over Camel cigarettes. Howard Petrie, the announcer, said, “Now wait a minute, Garry, that’s my job. Besides, it’s too early for a commercial.” Garry gasped, “Too early! Howard, for seven years I’ve waited, and you say it’s too early. Now I can be funny like other comedians-for money!” Incidentally, the show got good audience reaction.

I read today that while the Hopes were visiting the Ray Millands recently, Dolores went upstairs to get her coat, and in coming down, fell down two or three steps (she wasn’t hurt). Bob, who was playing gin rummy, looked down at her and said, “She’ll do anything for a laugh.”

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