Friday, June 4, 1943


Dear Diary,

Excuse me if my head’s in the clouds. I’ve just survived forth – five lovely minutes of Bob Hope at his best. I don’t mean by that that he didn’t make a few slips of the tongue. To the contrary, he made more mistakes than usual. That’s the main reason he was so good. He’s in New York for quite a long stay, and according to Frances Langford, that won’t be so good for Bob. In response to the young gentleman’s “Why?” Frances said, “Because the rest of us will be seeing out clothes to a regular laundry now.” Xavier Cugat, better known as Cugi, provided the music, plus some enjoyable wit. After talking to him for a while, Vera Vague said, “Well, I’ll see you later. I’m going to join Hose Nose now.” Now I too join him–in my dreams. Good night!

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