Dear Diary,

Today it was announced that Sergeant Jack Culpepper will leave within the next two days to join Bob in Ohio. From there they will start on a four-month trek overseas. The sergeant’s stripes (the was a corporal) came with the orders. He will be the first soldier in either World Ware to go overseas with a troupe of actors to entertain soldiers.

Dear Diary,

There was a picture in the papers this morning of Bob, Jerry Colonna, and Cpl. Jack Culpepper standing around a microphone singing. According to an accompanying article, they were entertaining at an army camp, and Jack Pepper was along by special permission of his superiors at the Fifth Ferrying Command here at Love Field. The article also stated that Bob has presented a petition to the proper authorities in Washington for permission for the aforesaid Corporal to accompany Bob and his group to England and wherever else they decide to do. To quote the paper: “A grateful Uncle Sam will probably grant this simple request to a favorite nephew.”