Dear Diary,

Henry McLemore, in his column from London this morning, started writing an open letter to Bob. He said that since the rumor had gotten around that Bob might go overseas, it put all thoughts of second front out of their minds. He also promised Bob that if he would come he’d have a carpet of sergeants spread over the muddy fields for him, and he could use corporals and privates for stairs. In other words, I think H. M. would like B.H. to visit England, and things others agree with him. I’m sure he’s right too.

Information Please was in Cleveland, Ohio, tonight. Cleveland, of course, is the American home town of aforesaid B.H., London itself being the place of his birth.

Dear Diary,

One of the questions on Information Please tonight dealed with statues. The question was: “What statue talked back to it owner?” Oscar Levant volunteered that it was from a Bob Hope picture. Clifton Fadiman said, “No, but it might give him an idea.” As an afterthought he added, “And he could use one.” As much as I dislike saying it, I fear I’m a bit inclined to agree with him. Bob, in my eyes at least, is the greatest comedian the world will ever see or hear, but his writers could stand rehauling. In other words Bob’s performance is as good as ever, but his material needs a little rejuvinating.