Dear Diary,

I used to think the combination of Crosby and Mercer was unbeatable, but tonight Hope and Mercer topped it. They sang one of Johnny’s newest songs, “Propaganda.” By the way, the reason Johnny Mercer was on tonight is that he takes over the Pepsodent Show for the summer. And they coundn’t have picked a better man. Bob really got hot in that song, too. He was so good he surprised even me, which is hard to do as var as Bob Hope is concerned. The last show of the season cam from Camp Perry, in Bob’s home state, Ohio. At the first of the show Wen Niles announced the results of the latest Star of Stars Poll of the Movie-Radio Guide. The Pepsodent Show was voted favorite of all radio programs, Bob Hope was voted as the best comedian, and a fellow by the name of Bob Hope was voted 1943’s Star of Stars. They could hardly stop the applause. Bob signed off, “Good-night, Linda and Tony.” Good-night, Bob. Hasta la vista.

Dear Diary,

I read today that Bob and ZaSu Pitts do a jitterbug number in “Let’s Face It.” I can see right now that I’m going to enjoy that picture a great deal.

Jack Benny and company was on the Camel Comedy Caravan tonight in the second of five special programs. Ken Niles, Wen’s younger brother was the announcer. At one spot, Benny said, “Come in now, Wen Niles.” Ken said, “Aren’t you mistaken? The Hope show was on last week. I’m Ken Niles. ” Benny said, “Well are you Wen Niles’ brother?” Ken replied, “I don’t know. I have so many brothers. There’s also Ben, Yen, Lynn, and Titicitum.” How’d he get in there?

I also got a picture of Bob and Dot today.